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What are eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions add length, thickness and fullness to your natural eyelashes. They fill out your eye line which makes your eyes pop with no need for mascara. It is a semi-permanent procedure where an individual mink lash is glued on your individual natural lash. We isolate one lash at a time, working on every row of lashes to ensure a natural and full look to your lashes. 

Why do people wear extensions?

People wear eyelash extensions for many different reasons. The biggest one being NO NEED FOR MASCARA. Extensions also give you a more youthful, alert and approachable look. They bring out the color of your eyes and increase confidence.

Will it damage my natural lashes?

No. The lash adhesive is formulated to create a solid bond to your natural lash. The application takes practice, attention to detail, patience, dedication and excellence.


Lash strips, clusters and “individual lashes” (paired in 3) sold at the store will damage your natural lash since they are placed on top of multiple lashes and tear them out during the application and removal. 

How long do eyelash
extensions last?

The look of eyelash extensions can last indefinitely with proper care and fills. Fills are needed every 2-4 weeks to replace the lashes that have shed. Natural eyelashes fall out in cycles, which cause the extensions to fall off gradually. 

How long is the
application process?

Depending on the look the client is going for, the application will take approx 2 hours. 

Does the application hurt?

No. Our clients enjoy the process as it is relaxing and calming. We have a peaceful environment where most of our clients fall asleep. 

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